Thursday, August 28, 2008

All the way from Tawau and back to Malaysia

What a weird title huh! I have 2 stories to write about today. I've tried to figure out the best title to put up there and it ends up like that. Let it be. I'm not writing an educational journal, anyway ;).

What about Tawau? Well, yesterday evening Abang came back with a box of parcel. I suspected it already since we don't get parcel everyday in here :). Also, if anyone wants to send anything, I have to give them Abang's company address. No postman sending letters from house to house here. They use P.O Box. I guess people have to rent a P.O Box in the post office and get their mails there. I'm not 100% sure about this though.

In short, the parcel was from Tawau Sabah and it contained the superb yummy Keropok Amplang!! Thanks Adry. Thanks a lot. By the way, I got this as a gift for being the first 5 (or 10?) to give comments in one of his particular entry. Of course I wasn't intentionally read his blog for the Amplang. Sometimes sincerity pays well, I guess :).

Looking at the keropok and the cost to send it all the way to Jubail, I guess it's the most expensive Keropok Amplang ever! Susah susah aja Adry... I never had Amplang before but I can assure you it is delicious. Also, the one that Adry sent to me contains no artificial coloring and flavour. Rasanya tak sempat puasa dah habis ni Adry!! hehehee..

A 2nd story is, we went to the Dammam Airport yesterday evening to send Abang's friend who will have a short vacation in Malaysia. Pok Li (Abang's friend) will be in Malaysia for 2 weeks. Happy holiday Pok Li!

The plan was Abang wanted to go alone to accompany Pok Li to the airport. Knowing me (sick of the walls), I insisted to go along coz' I just wanna be out of te house. The kids were having fun running around in the airport. I like Dammam Aiport compared to Jeddah Airport since it's bigger, more organized and more user friendly :).

13 sugar & spice:

Ummi365 said...

itulah namanya rezeki kan neeza.. alhamdulillah saat macam ni dapat makanan mesti gembirakan...

noniey said...

memang sedap keropok amplang tuh. saya dulu masa gi kk, langsung tak beli sebab ingatkan tak sedap. tapi bila dah rasa, sedap lah plak. snek yang boleh makan banyak2 sambil tengok tv...

mesti anak2 happy je dapat kuar umah kan. hehehe

Adry said...

hahaha... the most expensive amplang!? hahaha... jgn risau la kak... takdala mahal sangat...

Well as i said before, it's a gift for you for being my loyal reader and i love your blog... honesty and sincerity is the key...

Adry @

Abahnajwa said...

Salam Neeza..

Wahh..dapat bingkisan dari jauh yaa..Seronoknyaaa..

Bestnya Pok Li...

Neeza Shahril said...

Kak Ummi,

semestinya kak Ummi ;)
pantang tengok makanan, mesti rasa nak aje :)



betul tu.. snack yang sihat.. macam makan keropok.. cuma dia tak gatal hehehe..
itulah saat yang ditunggu noniey :)



thanks and thanks a bunch!



Salam Abah... rezeki nak masuk Ramadhan ni :)

memang syok dapat berpuasa dengan family...

kakLuna said...

teringat housemate masa kat UUM orang tawau selalu bawak balik keropok amplang


keropok amplang - lambang keunggulan jajan

sekian terima kasih

^aNgRiAni^ said...

salam kenal neeza...

selalu nengok nick neeza di blog adry

suka yer makan amplang...

have a nice day :)

dan selamat berpuasa :)

Zahraa George said... pokli...syoknyer balik malaysia...sob sob..sedih2..

akak,sekarang jeddah airport dah best!!! dah besar...dia dah buat extension...nampak la grand sikit..tapi ala2 station bas pudu pun ada gak..hehe

sekejap betul diaorang buat kerja..dah proper skrg,checkin pun dah senang...cuma memang tak leh lawan lagi la dammam airport...

Jie said...

Neeza, Amplang kak jie dah lesap mana entah....sehari je dibedal dgn anak2..lagi2 amplang tu terlalu mahai...rasa sayang nak makan.

Anonymous said...

salam akak

hehe beshnye dapat parcel... :)

Neeza Shahril said...


sedap kan amplang tu :)



salam kenal kembali :)

heheh.. neeza ni merata2 ek!
first time makan tapi dah suka dah...

Selamat berpuasa juga :)



best kan dia.. tapi raya nanti dia raya kat sini pulak..

oooo... dah besar ye Jeddah airport.. ok lah sikit kan..
tapi kalau ala2 pudu raya hehehee.. best la Dammam kan As :)


Kak Jie,

hehehe.. kejap je habis ye :)
memang sayang nak makan tapi makan jugak ;)



salam manje :)

best sangat! hehehe...

chekgu Bani Hassim said...

jauhnye kepok amplang tu travel ye??
beshnye jadik kepok, bleh travel jauh smpai ke saudi...

Neeza Shahril said...

Cikgu Banihassim,

apa kata cikgu jadi kepok gak.. mesti boleh travel jauh..
sampai ke Artic boleh kot hehehe...