Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Raihah and Anisz stories ;)

Raihah, a teacher to be, studying in UPSI has tagged me. A pretty simple one buat kinda personal. I may not answer them honestly hahaha!!! Just joking my dear Raihah :).

The Rules:
answer all questions sincerely...as simple as that..

  1. when did you start fasting?
    When I was in standard 1 - half day though. Is that considered fasting? hehehe...

  2. when did you start understanding the true meaning of fasting?
    I don't quite remember this one since I'm a very much older now. Got some memory depletion ;). If I'm not mistaken, it happened when I was in secondary school.

  3. Do you like fasting?
    I used to think fasting is tiring but not anymore. It really helps my body to relax. Of course, there're so much more that I like about fasting :).

  4. how about 'sahur'?
    So far, I haven't missed my sahur. Alhamdulillah. Our menu - the same menu as our Iftar ;).

  5. break fast?
    I have to cook myself huhuuuu. There's no bazaar ramadhan. There's no maid to cook for me. There's no mom's cooking too :(.

    But, there was one day that I took my day off (from cooking). We bought kabsa!

  6. how often do you perform solat terawih??
    Hmmm... we just started our fasting month, right. Only 8 days. It went okay so far. Alhamdulillah.

  7. tadarus al-Quran??
    I used to do that when I was in boarding schools. Not anymore :( - with the chores and etc. I did my best to recite the Al-Quran at least once a day.

  8. do your daily activity differs between ramadhan n other months??
    Pretty much. I don't have to make coffee for the breadwinner for the whole month :). My kids were not asking for what to eat in the afternoon since one of them is fasting. What else?? I have to wake up as early as 2.30am for the sahur. There are a few other things that I couldn't recall...

  9. what are you hoping for this ramadhan??
    I really hope and wish that all the good deeds that I do during the Ramadhan will persist in other months too. Of course, I wish to meet with the Lailatul Qadar. Insyaallah...

  10. sad of??
    I won't have a chance to break my fast with my parents and siblings :(.


I don't wish to tag anybody. Whoever wish to do this, with open arms, go ahead :).


Today is 9/9/2008 - 9th September 2008 and it is a special day for a friend of mine who is currently staying far far away in Kuantan. I'm sure she can't wait for her next birthday since the date will be 090909 huhuuuuu!!!

I want to wish this lady,


May your life be filled with joy and happiness.
Semoga Anisz sentiasa berada dibawah lindungan Allah s.w.t. Insyaallah..

I can't share a cake with you but I'm giving you this cake. Don't ever eat this coz you're gonna crack your teeth hehee.. (mana boleh makan screen computer kan :P). Enjoy the picture my dear :)


Last but not least, our menu for yesterday's Iftar. Frankly speaking, I really forgot to take a picture of the food yesterday. I was pretty 'kalut' preparing for the Iftar. Since we're having the same menu for the sahur, I snapped the photo before our sahur hehee.. This time, I got no model since all of them were sleeping while the picture was taken. Well, we had Ikan Tanda+Gelama Masak Sambal, Chicken Soup, Singgang Ikan Tenggiri, Bayam Masak Lemak and Keria as dessert I don't know when is that someone gonna be bored eating keria :P. We had one more delicious kuih tapi dah habis immediately jugak :). Thanks a lot to the responsible sedap kuih maker ;). By the way, we had Bandung yesterday. No picture of it coz' it has finished immediately :).

17 sugar & spice:

Kak Elle said...

sape ek yg makan kuih keria hari2 tu?...hehe

Tie said...

Waaa...models dah tido...

Ooiitt!! Tak boleh tgk lauk sambal tumis/lauk pedas...menggodalaaa...

hidayah said...

banyaknyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee juadah berbuka... rajinnya kak neeza masak :P

:: Leeza Joe :: said...

sy notice satu bende...akak ni klu msk penuh lauk satu meja...heheh...tp takpe ade anak2 ...cam sy ni msk 2 lauk pun dh ok...sbb anak br 1...nak mkn pun ssh...mnm susu je lebih...yg tlg perabis...aku lerrrrrrr!!!!!!!

cheryna zamrinor said...

sha teringat pasal diri sendiri bile kak neeza jawab soklan tadrus quran...hostel days!!!

KakNi said...

Bandung apa weh... mee bandung ke?

Neeza Shahril said...

Kak elle,

the man of the house ;)


Kak Tie,

tak sedap punnnn... :)



bulan puasa ni bila rajin, cam tu la.. ikut selera orang puasa :)

Neeza Shahril said...


lauk recycle banyak ;) tu yang nampak penuh meja..



best kan masa dok hostel :)



heheh.. silap daaa... Air bandung.. minuman hehee..

misz_A said...

kak neeza thanx a lot for the special bday wish entry...ku terharuuuu..huhu... yeahh next yr 090909....menarik kan tarikh tu... hehe.... *wink..*wink..

Wanpetunjuk said...

Salam akak...1stly, happy bufday pada kawan akak...secondly, besh baca jawapan tag akak...bagusnya akak, seawal darjah satu dah berpuasa...samalah kot dgn sy...hehehe, tak ingat sbnarnya...hehehe...sesungguhnya Ramadhan ini mmbawa byk hikmah pada sy di atas kapal...syukur sgt krn berpeluang berpuasa di atas kapal...dah 2 hari sy masak akak...hari ini sy buat laksam utk krew...terkejut dorang...hehehe...

Esok plak plan nak buat masak lodeh...klu sempat lah....hilangkan rasa bosan menanti waktu berbuka...hehehe...

Selamat bersahur akak :)

Raihah Rosli said...

thankz kk neeza... :) sudi jwb tag tu.

Hari2 sy tgok mskn kk neeza yg menyelerakan for iftar dan model2 comey.... Rjin sgguh kk neeza msk ... teringat lak mskn ibu sy di rumah.

Neeza Shahril said...


my pleasure :).
Mungkinkah itu bakal jadi tarikh ehem ehemmm??? ;)



Dayat buat laksam?? nak jugak!! lama dah akak tak makan laksam ni.. nak buat malas.. tak reti pun ye juga hehee..

masak lodeh?? sedapnyeee!! nak lah jugakkkk..

selamat bersahur Dayat :)



no problem sis :)

akak terpaksa masak lah dik..
kalau tidak, sape nak masak?? uwwwaaa!!! hehee..

Zahraa George said...

aik,harinih model merajuk ker??takder model pulak hari nih..hehe....akak jer la jadik model senang2...pakai cun2,suh coan tangkap gambar akak..hehe...

sedapnyer sup ayammmm :)
roy kalau makan sup ayam dia nasi jadik double...hehe...

Nazali Noor said...


Dalam diam2 dah lebih seminggu kita berpuasa yek? Cepat betul masa berlalu..Masuk minggu kedua ni Ain dah mula fenin nak masak apa dah.. Hari ni dia ada tempahan..kuih cucur udang yang dia belajar dgn Kak Ungku tu dah boleh dikomersilkan dah..hehehe..Kuih keria tu best jugak yek? Nantilah mintak Ain buat..mesti budak2 suka..

Neeza.. Abah nak tanya sikit ni..Kalau nak ke tempat Neeza kan..masa bila yang best agaknya? Tengah dok fikir2 ni..mana tau ada rezeki kan.. Offer Neeza untuk jadik host tu still terbuka ker? hahaha..(kita packagekan sekali rombongan merisik ya..cakap dgn Shahril..keh..keh..keh)

Salam utk semua..

chekgu Bani Hassim said...

sume buat sendiri ye kak??
kueh pun??
mmg xde yg beli laa??

bagus2, makan air tgn sendiri lagi sedap...

Adry said...

Happy birthday buat Anisz!! hehehe

Adry Sabry @ http://www.adrysabry.com/

Neeza Shahril said...


model semua tido hehee...
kalau akak jadi model, jawabnya takde orang nak makan semua lauk tu hehee..

Shahmey kuat memanjat sekarang.. penatnya laaa...



Ain mesti masak banyakkan.. sampai habis idea dah.. lagipun Ain rajin.. waaa... dah commercial cucur udang tu ya.. bagus.. business berkembang tu Abah..

Silakan abah!! abah sekeluarga memang dialu-alukan kesini.. buat macam sedare sendiri lah ye.. masa yang sesuai.. dalam bulan 11 kot sebab masa tu tak panas sangat.. dan tak sejuk sangat..

Package merisik?? hehee... ada yang tak keluar bilik nanti.. malu malu ayam kihkihkihkihhh...



malangnya.. iyeee... akak masak semua tu.. cuma ada lauk yang recycle tu cikgu hehehe..
kat sini takde jual lauk2 tu..



hehehhh... ;)