Thursday, January 31, 2008

Abah is working today :(

It's weekend (Thursday and Friday are weekend in Saudi Arabia) but abah had to work :( *sigh* (Those people already called him twice this morning or else they can't proceed with their work). I fully understand his situation - its not always anyway but it doesn't mean that I'm happy about it.

Actually, I thought of inviting a friend today for... tea may be (well, tea doesn't require me to prepare lots of food is just nice since its neither too early nor too dark! How many times that I've to remind myself I'm not a good cook or can't cook that much.. heheheee.. still, I thought having friends coming for light meal is pleasing.

I need friends to talk once in a while but I don't like to hang on the phone for too long. Besides causing painful ears, I can't sit/stand still and just watch the little Shahmey memunggah barang-barang (ransacking stuff).

I've planned it almost 2 weeks ago. Last weeked was not possible - the cough and cold came back. Also, we were already invited by this lovely Kak Sarimah to her house in which I made the easy creme caramel.

The kids are at home but their abah is at work. It's 11.14am now and I haven't had my breakfast yet. Yes... not having my other half during the weekend really makes me feel like doing nothing but blogging! Well, I've made Coan (after nagging and shouting despite seeing me breastfed for the little Shahmey) egg sandwich this morning.

While the youngest is still sleeping (after his brunch heheeee..), I better go and feed myself then. Perhaps, prepare something for lunch may also a good idea, I supposed. Abang can eat them (it'll be called dinner then).

7 sugar & spice:

Ann always said...

neeza I just had to comment about your background song. macam familiar tapi nak kena fikir jugak dua tiga kali.
tommy page. haha... mana dah mamat ni? dulu i had a big crush on him.

zino said...

zino hari minggu ni pun kena kerja.. bos kata hari minggu je dia free nak ajak ronda2 tengok site.. hehe.. nasib la..

Neeza Shahril said...

Ann, yupp, tommy page - a shoulder to cry on. entah lah kan.. senyap aje dia. tapi masa lagu ni hit, I pun suka gak... heheheee

Zino, ye ke? kesiannya.. tu la.. kesian kat orang rumah cam kami ni. weekend la nak duduk lama sikit borak dengan che' abang. alih2 kena gi kerja pulak... apa nak buat kan..

Eddie Putera said...

KPTM tu apa ? Kolej Pembloggan Terulung Malaysia ?

misz_A said...

..."i'm not a good cook"... jgn percaya kata2 itu...dusta belaka... this lady can cook really well i tell u... i've been to her open house b4...

Neeza Shahril said...

adiejin, hahahaa... Kolej Poly-Tech Mara... la pulak..

Neeza Shahril said...

misz_a, heheeee.. itu sebab 36 kali tgk resepi... oooo pandai ye :P