Friday, January 4, 2008

abah cooked today!

As, a friend of mine sent a message this morning asking whether we were gonna be at home since she and her husband, Roy wanted to come. They've agreed to come late evening or may be after the isya' prayer.

I thought of preparing something to munch for the evening. After inspecting my kitchen (look for a dish that I can cook with the stuff that I had in the cabinet), I decided to cook fried rice. Its neither too heavy or light. Just alright. Besides, we already had a late lunch (about 4pm) today and I supposed As and Roy would have had their dinner already.

I told abang about cooking the fried rice. He said 'okay, tapi biar abang yang masak'. Oh well, good for me.

I peeled onions and garlic and thought I would assist him preparing the spice. But, before I get myself to the kitchen, abang already went there. He prepared the spices. I asked him 'kata nak suruh neeza tumbuk tadi. Aik, kenapa tak letak bawang putih?' then he said 'Oooo, I'll do it my way. You don't have to bother'. Lantak la bang...

Being a nice wife I sit there and waited for him to ask me to do anything. Instead he said 'pergi la tengok shahmey. abang tak percaya budak budak ni jaga dia' Then I said, 'Neeza tak payah teman?' He said, 'tak payah. I'll manage'. I was surprised. Usually, he asked me to stay and help him. May be he pity me for doing the housechores. Agaknya laaaa...

He only asked me to prepare the cili api coz he wanted to blend and make sambal belacan. I offered myself to 'tumbuk' the sambal but he refused. He wanted to blend it himself.

I went out and took Shahmey and watch TV. How nice... If only I can do this everyday... (which is not possible la weiii. Sape yang housewife sekarang ni??)

While watching tv, I was thinking of frying an omelette. I told abang but to my surprise, he cooked that too.

When As and Roy came, I couldn't help myself but telling them 'Shahril yang masak sendiri ni. Semua dia yang buat'. I noticed abang bangga semacam aje.. and I talked to myself, ni kes nak kena puji ke or ikhlas nak tolong aku??

He even prepared hot drinks lagi after the meal. Cewah cewah... rajin sungguh. another credit went to him... But and a bigggggggg BUT (or butt heheheee..) he didn't clean the dishes... uwaaaaaa!!! I have to settle all the mess myself. Penat kemudian la maknanya....

Anyway, thank you abang for helping me... buat lagi ye next time and kalau boleh, kemas la jugak.... heheheheeee

6 sugar & spice:

drNO said... sporting your cik abg...

Neeza Shahril said...

drno, sporting? entahlah yek. He's a bit picky dalam bab rasa food ni. i always got commented like 'ini tak cukup, should put this, should not put that bla bla blaa...' so, may be dia fikir daripada dia bising, baik dia buat sendiri.. lagipun, nasi goreng... senang aje kan.. hehehee

drNO said...

if my hubby volunteer nk masak..i always freak out. bukan apa...he likes to be adventurous...mcm2 dia ubah suai resepi.

Neeza Shahril said...

ooo, itu sudah semestinya drno... memang sangat adventurous. orang tak letak sos, dia letak. orang letak bawang, dia tanak letak. tapi claim sedap. hehehee

IKHWANI said...

waduh! rajin your che abang!

I won't trust my che' abang in the kitchen!!!! buat penat jer, nanti sat-sat dia panggil! sebab tak retiiiiiiiiiiiiiii...masak maggi pun hancussssss!

masa kami belum ada helper, dia cuma tolong cuci-cuci bekas jer..masak? nooooo waaaaaaayyy!

Neeza Shahril said...

kak OO, che' abang neeza boley laaaa. sebab dia kecik2 dah biasa susah. mak dia jadi widow masa umur 26 yrs and never remarried. jaga anak 4 orang. anak2 dah biasa buat kerja rumah termasuk la masak memasak. kalau masak maggie, neeza rebus aje. Dia siap bertumis bagai... tapi bab cuci2 bekas tu, agak kureeennggg sikit. heheheee