Saturday, January 5, 2008

talk about the s@ud1 kids

Abang came back quite late last night. After having our heavy supper (read:abah cooked today), he went out to help his 3 friends who have arrived in @ljub@a1l, 3 days ago to move house. Its not really move house. They stayed in a hotel before and now in an apartment.

When he was back, abang told me this... On their way to the apartment, the car was stopped by a group of 3 s@ud1 kids (the age were somewhat like 7, 8 and 10). Of course he needed to stop the car. Or else, he would have bumped the kids.

Not-so-interesting incident occured. One of the kids came and banged the side mirror. Another, opened the back door and slammed it. The third brutally hit the rear mirror a few times (Thank God, nothing happened to the car and most importantly the people inside). After that, they run away. The 4 guys (all adult males - more than 10 of course) sit in the car, stunned. They wouldn't able to go out and chased after the kids since they run so fast. Besides, they were uncertain of the local law, whether the authorities protect those actions by the kids.

Then Rosli (one of the guys in the car) told the others about another incident a day ago. He watched a terrible episode right in front of his eyes. A group of s@ud1 kids had thrown pebbles to one B@ngl@desh1 family (both parents and a child). Again, after doing the nasty action, they run away. The family was so devastated with the incident and went to the D@kw@h Centre to report. But nothing can be done by the D@kw@h centre since they only a small organization that handle things related to islamic teaching. And yesterday, it occured to them. I couldn't imagine myself being thrown with pebbles like that (mau ada yang jadi singa mengamuk macam kejar kuda belang agaknya.)

Abang told me a few times about how the s@ud1s let their boys played outside unattended. They were mischievous and harsh at times. I noticed that too, especially when we were out to shop for groceries. There was 1 time I saw a few s@ud1 kids played soccer in the grocery store (can you imagine if the ball smash the bottles on the rack? whhooooooo.. sape nak bayar tuuuu...). I wonder why the guards didn't scold the kids for playing there.

Since we don't know what to do if it happen to us (Nauzubillah....), I asked abang to ask his s@ud1 friends about that. I'm sure the guys would have asnwers for that. Also, I think not all s@ud1 kids are like that. Those who are educated don't play outside, I supposed. I suspected those kids come from poor family and not educated enough whereby their parents don't really care for them (this is only my suspicion okay. I don't know the truth. I need to investigate further)

In the mean time, I could only pray to Allah so that nothing unwanted would happen to us... Insyaallah...

3 sugar & spice:

miss cloudy said...

tade update kaaa...

IKHWANI said...

mintak jauh la kan?
but really, nasty jugak dia orang ni ya? ya lah tu agaknya anak2 ni tak properly guided by their parents kot - ataupun mereka ni "melepas perasaan"...mana kita tahu what's happened in their household each day kan?

Neeza Shahril said...

Kak OO, neeza baru balik dari Madinah ni. tak sempat nak update blog lagi. tapi 1 benda nak share. masa jalan2 kat Taibah Centre, kami (neeza, my mom, hubby and kawan neeza yang pandai cakap arab) nampak satu arab lady (tak sure la bangsa apa tapi kata kawan neeza egypt) pukul anak pompuan dia yang tengah meraung. teruknya dia pukul dia lempang, pukul atas kepala budak tu. kawan neeza tanya dia. kenapa dipukul? dia cakap. suara dia memalukan (sebab anak dia nangis at first). tapi neeza tengok cara dia pukul tu... dengan badan minah arab yang besar tu.. anak kecil yang umur dalam 3 tahun boleh mati rasanya. nasib baik ada kawan neeza and sorang lagi arab woman pergi ambik anak dia bawak lari. kalau tidak, dia pukul and pukul lagi.... macam tu lah agaknya keadaan dalam rumah dia... NAuzubillah....