I'd love to look at and be able to name all plants/trees. I asked Kak Mahani about the plants that we saw during one of our morning walks in Kuantan and she answered,
"Entah lah neeza. Nanti I tanya tuan dia ye.." *giggle*
Ye la tu Kak Mahani.. Heheee... I also asked Anisz about the trees that I saw from our college van when we were on our way to KL and she said,
"Dah agak dah.. mesti Kak Neeza tanya punya" the smart Anisz.. hehee..

I enjoy a scenery of a wide blue sea with pretty swimming fish and dancing corals. When I was small, whenever we passed by Sg Pahang (or was it Sg Temerloh), Mok (my grandma) always woke me up (I slept as soon as I got into the car) and told me,
"Ja, bangun! Air blana (banyak)"
I would quickly got up and look through the window and said,
"Waaaa... Air blana... Air blana..."
(memang jakun habis) and then I woke Fuad (my brother) and Bada (my sister) up and asked them to look too (usually they didn't really care about that..). It was only me who enjoyed looking at the water. Heheee..

I love to observe all sorts of animals no matter how tame and wild they are (the wild of course only in a zoo or Animal Planet channel :P). Though I've been for so many times to the Teruntum Mini Zoo in Kuantan, I never get bored. Looking at the bears and crocodile was kind of fun to me. I like cats too thought I don't like to keep them as pets. They're not good for me and my kids (could trigger asthmatic and sinuses to some. So, better be safe than sorry)

Am I a nature lover? A boss of mine (oops! my ex boss - I'm unemployed now, remember? hehee..) is a nature lover. (pss.. pss... Kak pb, boss neeza ni oghe Kelate jugok hehee..) Despite his age and his tight schedule, he would always find time to go for trekking to remote places like caves, jungles and mountain. A real trekking with a few friends (usually he went with colleagues - a few of them were his subordinates).

This one? Definitely not tame enough for the kids :)

I'm not sure if I could do that. Before even planning to go, my mind would ask a few questions like:
"What about the kids? - who's gonna take care of them?",
"Does abang wanna come along? - knowing him, I don't think so. Heheee..",
"If Abang refuse to come with me, will he allow me to go then? - May be... But, I'll have a guilty conscious throughout the journey. Thus, I wouldn't enjoy the trekking at all..." *sigh*
"What about the kids? - who's gonna take care of them?",
"Does abang wanna come along? - knowing him, I don't think so. Heheee..",
"If Abang refuse to come with me, will he allow me to go then? - May be... But, I'll have a guilty conscious throughout the journey. Thus, I wouldn't enjoy the trekking at all..." *sigh*

So many questions crop up in mind. You may say, nothing is impossible. Things can be arranged. Of course but my guilty conscious cannot be arranged. It's a psychology part that is stored in a small tiny room in the brain or I shall describe it as 'a mother's instinct'.

Oh well, excuse and excuse again... Hehehe.. Whatever it is, I think, I'd love to go for trekking with my family when all my kids grow up - the youngest is at least 10 years old! (Which means another 9 years old - if I don't have a new baby after this Heheee..). That also tells me, I'll be almost 43 by then. Is that possible? Perhaps, if I really take care of my health and body. Insyaallah...
19 sugar & spice:
rasanya kalau memang peminat nature 43 masih kuat lagi dan bersemangat nak trekking apapun... kalau akak ni yang takut hutan dan ulat-ulat serta ularnya dan pacatnya, 43 ni dah tak nak ke mana-mana dalam hutan..hihihi.
wah. cantiknya gambar. hebat ciptaan Illahi..
Neeza, Pergi sekarang whenever and wherever possible. Do not wait, nanti dah tua macam mak teh badan dah tak daya lagi nak pergi jungle trekking or mountain hiking. Sedangkan kalau nak tour anywherepun sekarang depa tak mau bawa sebab mak teh tak larat jalan !
Kesiankan? Ni dulu masa muda boleh naik motorbike, boleh panjat bukit, visit projects and had a dream nak tour the world overland with hubby in our pajero. Yang tinggal hanyalah mimpi. Hehehe...
Kak Rina,
haah kan.. Ex boss neeza tu rasanya dah lepas setengah abad tapi still kuat lagi..
neeza ni takut jugak pacat dan ulat2 tu. Sebab tu kena pergi dengan orang yang berani.. hehee..
gambar2 ni di ambil dari free photo website. Tapi, memang neeza pun suka.. Masyaallah...
Mak Teh,
Neeza pun risau gak ni.. sebab kadang2 nak naik tangga, rasa sengal je lutut ni.. hehehe..
Tapi takpe Mak Teh, macam mat saleh tu kan, diorang naik caravan.. Mungkin one day la kot since Mak Teh sangat lah busy dengan 'anak-anak' lagi sekarang. Mungkin cuti sekolah??
me loves the jungle and fishing..me hafta also wait for da kids to grow up. me hafta be patience. me absolutely sure no more addition of the family members..duh..
btw beautiful piccas ;-)
neeza ...:-) nature ciptaan Illahi, lebih sempurna dari menara yg paling tinggi atau kereta yang paling laju.
bila bersama nature, hati yg resah jadi tenang....
thanks for the entry. gambar2 sungguh cantik....menggamit rasa.
and yes, abe id dah boleh masuk blogspot! yippieeeeee
abe id
the pictures - good for eyes huh! :))
Abe Id,
Tak pernah lagi neeza rasa tenang tengok Twin Tower Petr0nas tu walaupun its the highest twin building in the world. tapi, kalau tengok ocean, rasa damai aje..
baru boleh masuk blogspot. something wrong with it kat sana kot.. hehe..
duo kali masuk doh ni, baru ado idea nok tinggal jejok.
16 tahun yang lepassssss
kak pB pernoh la jugok joing Kelab Kembara.
U'kah Gunung Ayae kat Ulu Klate.
Memae pengalamae sungguh lar.
Ingat pah kor hari ni.
Pengalamae, minum air dari tapok kaki gajoh pun ado.
Pengalame cabut kuku ibu jari duo duo beloh pun ado.
Pengalamae keno panggil kor hatu pun ado ...
Tapi maso tu , mudo , nikoh pung belum.
Tak dok orak hok putuh lagi , buleh lar.
Kalu lonni , tok tahu la pulok ..
rasonyor skerat jalae, jerik nok kelik rasonyo
Ha ha ha
I would say yes!!
now ni adventure with kids masuk dune and main pasir jelah. and camping there aje. no pacat though cuma ada panas terik
Kak pb,
haaa?? minum air tapok kaki gajoh?? keno wak entry tu kak pb.. hok ccabuk kuku tu bakpo pulok??
kiro nyo kak pb ni agah jugok dih jamae mudo.. nih pon tok tuo lagi dehh.. jamae remajo laaa.. hehehe..
neeza tok rajin lagi ngukah gunung ko.. masuk hutae adok jugok.. maso KEM BTN.. tapi tok teghok mano sebak gi ghama2... hehehe..
best gak you all ada dune kat sana kan.. kat sini kalau ada pun, jauh sikit.. eh ke takde.. hehehe.. tak tahu laaa.. heheheee..
Tak berapa minat nak panjat gunung sebab risau bab toilet..
Skrg boleh appreciate nature fr the comfort of my living room. Tengok Discovery channel & baca Nat Geog.
kak OO paling suka greeneries ni!!
Angan2 kak OO nok wak rumoh penuh pokok-pokok ija, tok tahulah kesampaian ke dok.
Betul kata Abe Id, tengok nature ni mengingatkan kita pada kebesaran Ilahi dan sememangnya anti-depressant semulajadi!
salam k.ja..baru rase nok tinggal jejok...heheee..k.ja kena mai tu mesir try test kaki naik gunung sinai plok...kalu kat msia gunung byk hute n binate..sini byk make pans kalu mai bule 7 laaa...kalu bule 12 gak make sejukkkk...haahahaaa...rase222 gagah tok ni...
jarang tengok ikan lepak kat atas batu hehe
sebenarnya neeza pun ada problem yang sama. Kalau neeza nak pergi trekking, mungkin limit to places yang ada sungai la kot hehehe..
Kak Wani,
Ja pun ggitu jugok. Kalu buleh, nok kelih pokok hija jah dghumoh.. tapi Ja ni malah sikit nok nnanae.. hehehe.. tapi suko.. nok wak lagu mano tu kak wani deh?
yupp!! greeneries will be the depression pill :)
bestnyo ngukah Gunung Sinai tu.
Ado sejaroh lagi dih..
sangat menarik bunyi tu.. tapi keno tungguh hok kecek ni besar dulu la Tiey. Tok gagoh lagi la..
Lo ni buleh gi jjalae jah lah ko Mesir tu.. tunggu Kak Ja deh.. hehehe...
ikan tu penat... hehehee..
Kakjie dan family suka keluar sungai atau bercuti tanpa di rancang. Maksudnya kami bergerak ke selatan , katakan..tanpa booking hotel dan berhenti di setiap tempat yg menarik spt air terjun atau sawah bendang.
Impian ingin menjelajah Taman Negara tetapi terpaksa menunggu setahun dua lagi..tunggu Intan boleh menguruskan diri sendiri.
Kak Jie suka bau rumput yang baru di potong...atau bau daun kering di bakar...hehehehe
Salam Neeza,
Bukan semua orang boleh appreciate seperti apa yang sebahagian yang lain anggap menarik dan menenangkan. Semestinya orang2 ini berjiwa seni dan perasa.
Cantik gambar2 yang di siarkan. TQ.
Kak Jie,
kalau picnic, husband neeza pun suka gitu. Dia tak suka plan sebab selalu tk jadi. Tapi, tak lah pergi jauh sangat sebab anak2 kecil kan..
Neeza pun pernah dengar orang yang suka bau rumput tu.. ada yang suka bau hujan (husband neeza).. dan ada yang suka bau asap... hehee
Pak Zabs,
Salam... berjiwa seni atau jiwang?? hehehe.. neeza rasa, neeza dah masuk category jiwang.. suka berangan hehehe.. tq too :)
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