Friday, April 18, 2008

Nasi Dagang in S@udi??

Yuhuuu!!! I ate Nasi Dagang!. Though it was not really my favorite food (I like Nasi Kerabu better), I missed Nasi Dagang especially after being out of country for already 6 months. Nasi Dagang is best served with Gulai Ikan Tongkol/Kayu/Aye (hehee.. since the pronunciation is Aye and not Aya..).

The cutie Rian's ibu, Lieza had organized a dinner at her house on last Wednesday. Most of us in Al Jubail were invited. She cooked Nasi Dagang with Gulai Ikan Tongkol. Though she claimed the nasi was not quite 'jadi', I personally think it was almost perfect, considering ourselves were in S@udi Ar@bia and not M@laysia.

Besides Nasi Dagang, Lieza also prepared Fried Meehoon for the kids, though most of it was actually eaten by mommy and daddy of the kids hehehhh..

What else that we had on that evening. Aha!! We had Chicken curry (almost like Rendang - yummy!!) brought by Kak Sharimah. By the way, Kak Sharimah also made Kuih Lapis (I didn't get to eat - I think I forgot to eat). We also had Kuih Seri Muka, prepared by Kak Nor. A new friend of ours (she was in S@udi for quite sometime actually but I just met her), Ayin brought Creme Caramel. The kids loved As' crunchy potato fries. I love her butter cake (lembut - unlike my bantat sponge cake). Kak Mala brought Kek Lapis Zul@ikha (made in Med@n) and Kerepek Ubi Pedas (m@laysian made - sedappp..). Myself? As I mentioned earlier, I brought the Bantat Sponge Cake (ada ke cake tu? - ada... bila bantat, macam tu lah nama dia hahahha!!)

I think the women kids really had fun that evening. I think I did mention in a few previous entry that it's not easy for women get to meet with each other. We really enjoyed our time. Though the husbands already gave us hints to leave, we pretend we're still busy (busy berborak hehehe..). The kids, sorry to say that they had fun making Liza's room like a kindergarten (sorry ye Liza - hopefully jangan lah serik buat makan lagi hehehe..)

Unfortunately, I forgot to snap any single picture. I brought my camera but I guess I was too busy munching and munching again. Shahmey behaved very well (macam tau tau aje Ummi nak makan banyak hehehe). He just sit on a couch quietly playing with toys and ate As' potato fries. Of course, many others had become his entertainer. He likes be surrounded by people as long as his tummy is full :)

Thank you Liza for the hospitality. We went back with bloated stomach that evening. I wonder who's gonna be the host for our next get together. Hmmmmm.. (hehehee..)

15 sugar & spice:

Zahraa George said...

kah kah kah..tu la rahsianyer cake lembut...beli readymix jer :P ,at least akak ada semangat nak buat sendiri kan.nanti dah banyak kali terror ler.kan kan kan....

YuszTieY said...

oooo...minggu ni bernasi dagang n berikan aye yer kak.ja kita nih...mana gambo nya....jgn riso kami tak melelih pun air liuq tapi kalu ader tu memang melelih gok nengoknya..hehehee..

Neeza Shahril said...


kalau readymix pun hangit camne nak buat tu? hehee.. semangat aje berkobar2 tapi banyak yang tak menjadi..

takpe, cuba lagi.. sampai 1000 kali baru teror kot hehee.. (rajin sangat laaa akak ni hehee)



Salam Tiey..
lupo pulok nok snap gambar.. sedak dok mengonyae.. hehehe..
lain kali la deh..

Ummi365 said...

I had nasi dagang two days ago.. he he he.. infact this morning pun feel like having it for bfast..tapi ingatkan body weight ni dah tahap kritikal terpaksa lupakan he he he

neomesuff said...

Enuff..enuff!...m going to find a good dinner now..wait aa..i take picts aaa..hehehee

zino said...

nasi dagang ni tak berapa sangat hehe

maklang said...

seronok ye...maklang yang duduk kat malaysia ni pun tak sempat2 nak pergi jumpa friends...

Neeza Shahril said...

Kak Ummi,

memang kak Ummi suka ye.. Ingat ari tu Kak Ummi cakap dad yang suka kan.

Takpe kak Ummi, masa makan tu pejam mata aje hehehh..



haaa?? dinner at 1.28pm? Eh lupa pulak kat sana dah 6.28 lah kan.. memang its dinner time pun..
haaa.. cepat post pics of your dinner hehee..



haah.. neeza pun sama. Cuma selepas 6 bulan, sedap jugak makan tu heheee..


Mak Lang,

tapi Mak Lang selalu jumpa kawan blogger.. balik nanti sape lah yang neeza nak jumpa ye.

Haaa.. Mak Lang dekat, Kak Rina dekat gak.. hehehhh..

DBI said...

bila dah duk obesea..segala makanan malaysia jadi sedap...kannnn...

tapi org di malaysia makan McD pulak...

silversarina said...

Nasi dagang sekali sekala makan memang sedap nak-nak duk oversea ... okaylah kerap jugak ada gatheringnya, kat malaysia pun payah nak buat camtu ,kalau tak buat open house ( masa raya ) memang jarang jumpa.

ummu asiah said...

Neeaza..dah hilangla mood lazy yang amat tu kan..dapat pula jumpa kawan2 and makan macam2 Alhamdulillah. Selalu ke buat-buat gathering macam tu?..dok negara orang kenala pandai-pandai n rajin masak kan. If kat Msia ada gak peluang order2 or beli je bawak makan.

Anonymous said...


betul tu.. daun pandan tu rasa beharga sangat. Nenas hok tk berapa laku pun jadi terliur bila disini..

Makan jugok McD sini pong doc heheh..


Kak Rina,

kami ni Kak Rina berjumpa sebab bosan takleh kemana-mana.
Sesekali buat makan, boleh lah berborak2.. hehe..


Kak Ummu Asiah,

hehee.. ada lagi sikit. Tapi cam dah rajin sikit ni.. hormon berubah hehee..

tak jugak selalu. Depends la sape rajin buat makan, kat situ lah jadi tempat bergathering..

Kalau potluck tu, jarang2 aje la.. kena pandai masak?? neeza ni selalu tengok resepi aje kak.. hehee..

Anonymous said...

Salam Neeza,
You ate nasi dagang with lauk ikan tongkol in Saudi, that is priceless. Kami hanaya makan nasi briani semalam.

Neeza Shahril said...

Pak Zabs,

nasi beriani?? ooo.. kenduri ye.. tahniah tahniah...

kat sini nak makan nasi beriani, hari hari boleh. Cuma lain jenis sikit la.. hehehhh..

Anonymous said...

salam kak neeza..

beshnye dpt mkn nasi dagang... hihi nape tak amik gmbar nasi dagang tu... tingin nak tgk nasi dagang versi saudi... huhu... wane dia... kuah dia... manje pon suke mkn nasi dagang... akak masakkan la utk manje leh? :)