Friday, July 18, 2008

She's 8 at 8.05 am today

My darling Sophea,

you're Abah and Ummi's first child
the first grandchild for Atok and Opah
and the fifth for Wan

you're the light of our life
you're the star in the dark
you're the sunshine in the gloomy morning
you're the rainbow of our heart

the world seems so bright the moment you came to the world
our life is more meaningful with you around
you're the bridge between two hearts
you strengthen our love deep and deep inside

I'm sorry that you have to become our guinea pig
when we experiment many things on you
for we're parents without experience
but we always love you so much

In a way, you're lucky my dear
since you have officiated the ceremony of cutting Ummi's tummy ;)
also, you've got all new items
and not a 2nd hand which is passed from the 1st to the 2nd and so on

It has been 8 years since you're born
you're a big girl now
you've helped Ummi with housechores
you've assisted in taking care of adik Shahmey
you've also caused a headache to Ummi sometimes ;)

Happy Birthday my dear
Abah and Ummi always hope and pray you'll be our anak solehah
to be a good example for your brother and sister
to be a good daughter for Abah and Ummi
also to be a good servant for Allah

May your life be filled with happiness and a bright future ahead...

12 sugar & spice:

Kak Elle said...

Happy 8th birthday to Sophea...dah besar anak neeza tak lama lagi mesti byk yg menunggu nak masuk meminang tu:)

KM said...

Selamat Hari Lahir buat anakanda kepada Neeza. Semoga Allah memberkati anda menjadi anak yg soleh buat 2 ibu bapamu.
Ada kesempatan dtgla Yan, Kedah. Sini byk tempat leh mandi sungai. Kalau sungai kering leh mandi dalm kolah hehehe...

Neeza Shahril said...

Kak Elle,

thanks kak elle..
kejap aje kan dah 8 tahun..
meminang? nanti kena screen dengan ummi dia dulu.. hehehh..



thanks KM..
semoga makbul doa tu..
Yan ye.. hmmm.. mungkin cuti nanti jalan2 ke sana..
best betul kan mandi sungai dekat gunung ni..

Zahraa George said...

happy birthday sophea...:) wah,cepat yer masa berlalu...ummi dia maintain muda lagi walaupun sophea dah 8tahun...hehe.....

wah,dah nmpk cake sophea...hehe.....barbie lagi tu,mesti coan jelous sbb cake brday dia dulu tu x dak design :-))

13may said...

Hepi besday buat sophea :)

Neeza Shahril said...


sophea kata tenkiuuuu auntie as..
ummi tak muda la.. dah banyak kedut2 ni hehee..
sebab pilih sendiri tu as.. tapi letak benda tu je kena tambah SR50! sabor aje laa..



sophea kata tenkiuuuu uncle..

ummu asiah said...

happy..happy bday sophea..sedap betul namanya..betul tu..untung anak pertama..tapi lepas tu as neeza said..untung juga anak sulong sebab boleh tlg mak-mak nye..moga jadi anak yang solehah..menjadi ikutan kepada adik2

YuszTieY said...

sanah helwah ya jamilahhhh sophea...
moga jadi anak yg solehah...

achik nak cikit kek besday sophea,lawo sgt....ummmi yg buat ker tu sophea....ish222 tero la ummi sophea ni...

5 thn lagi jadi anak dara sunti la sophea yer kak ja..boley geng dgn ummmi ni..ummminya muda sgt...

Fadzilayaty Ramli said...

happy birthday sophea..moga jadi anak soleha dan penuh bijaksana...

azlanlin said...

Moga-moga menjadi anak yang solehah. Yeppy Beshday... from Uncle!

zino said...

selamat hari lahir buat sophea.. semuga menjadi anak solehah dan selalu mengumbirakan ibu bapa.. amin..

Anonymous said...

Kak Ummu Asiah,

thanks kak for the doa..
penat sebenarnya jadi anak pertama.. asik kena jadi contoh aje hehee..



time kasih atas doa tu Tiey..
kek tu lawooo.. tapi tak cedap punn.. pak arab yang buat..
kalu ummi buat, mesti lagi tak cedap hehhe



thanks fadzila for the doa



thank you uncle for the doa..



thanks zino atas doa tu..