Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Caring means loving - Thank you Manje :)

I do admit, sometimes (or many times indeed) I jumped into conclusion too soon. Like yesterday (referring to my previous entry), after reading a few comments in someone else's blog, I heated up. I was furious. I know, I shouldn't behave that way but many times, I did. I quickly expressed my frustration in the blog (I wish I would have not done it!).

I should be patient a bit, took a deep breath and analyzed things positively. True enough, whatever that I was infuriated about yesterday turned out to be something that I should not worry about at all. It was merely an attention seeker, I shall say.

Today, someone who cares for me (otherwise she wouldn't do this, I guess), gave me 2 award. Wow!! To receive 2 award from the same person is surely a thrill to me. It shows the concern and care the other party had for the award recipient. Manje is a new cyber friend to me. I never met this wonderful girl but I have this presumption that she is nice, caring, loving and sensitive. I am sensitive too, Manje - in some cases heheeee...

These are 2 awards that Manje gave me. Thank you Manje! I'm claiming these awards with honor and with a thought in mind that you care for me which indirectly means you love me (as a sister la kan heheee..).

Since its good to give people what you've get, I present both award to my new friend, Fadzila. Hope you like them dear :)

11 sugar & spice:

zino said...

orang dolu dolu kata..
tak kenal maka tak cinta.. ada kena mengena dengan caring tak ni hehe

pB said...

salae ...

kak pB pun suko hati sebab tahu Neeza doh COOL ...

biaso la dok , masa maroh , macae macae tubek.

aNIe said...

Neeza...congratulation sebab dpt award dari kawan siber yg caring...memang pun kadang2 bila mood tak baik ...baca pulak bende2 yang menyakitkan hati...kita tiba2 jadi sensitif...rasanya ramai yang camtu...tp kalau menegakkan bende yang betul apa salahnya...

Unknown said...

neeza...bila nak bagi award kaler pink tu....nakkkkkkkkkkk!!!


dah cool ok la tu...turun blood pressure.


Neeza Shahril said...


betul tu.. kalau dah kenal baru boleh bercinta heheheeee...


kak pB,

sungguh tu kak pB.. neeza la especially, kalu maghoh, tubek macae macae di mulut ni. Pah tu gak, mulo la sessa tok sudoh.. jeghik la lepah tu nyo.. heheeee


kak Lady,

thank you :). neeza memang sensitive, dalam banyak hal heheeee.. tapi neeza cepat cool sebab lepas dah lepas perasaan, baru lah conscious mind datang balik heheee..



nak award tu? errrr.. kalau nama you Miss Idham, neeza bagi. tapi nama you Mr Idham.. camne tu? heheee

turun blood pressure? blood pressure neeza memang selalu rendah. tapi angin selalu tinggi heheheeee...

ZABS said...

Salam Neeza,
Dah ada 4 awards dah ni. Tahniah.

Jie said...

itulah seronoknya dunia cyber ni,kita tak menjangkakan apa yg menarik kita akan jumpa...

saya dah jumpa lebih 100 org yg kenal dari alam cyber...dr Australia, Germany,Singapore & Rep. Czech!

Yg penting kita berbaik sangka dgn semua org...mcm kata "Kalajengking" What u give u get back!

silversarina said...

Tahniah dah dapat awards.. caring bloggers are what we are....

Tak salah kita luahkan perasaan kerana kita kan manusia , diberi perasaan.. jangan sokmo 'mengamuk' dah lah..hehehe.

Neeza Shahril said...


3 je kot. 1 tu 'curi' orang punya heheeee... Terima kasih :)


Kak Jie,

betul kan. Kita boleh kenal dan baik dengan ramai orang. Setuju sangat Kak Jie tentang what you give you get back tu.. :)


Kak Rina,

Thank you :). heheeee.. mengamuk tak tentu pasal buat sakit hati aje hehee.. (neeza le tu... hehee)

Ummi said...

congrats Kak Neeza! u deserve it

Neeza Shahril said...


thank you.. hehehe..