Abang planned to play golf with his friends in Bang1 on the 5th day. That would mean I had to stay in MIL house with the kids. Nooo wayyyy.... hehehe.. Leaving me and the kids with nothing much for the kids to do except fighting and quarreling with each other?? aduuuhhhh... thinking of that already made me headache.
Since my sister, Bada was at the Summ1t hotel (she stayed there for 3 days), I asked abang to drop me and my kids there. I had my plan too - meeting kak pb, meeting kak Has and let the kids play in the pool. The most important thing was, my kids would be occupied playing with their cousins.

2. the pretty bracelet from kak pb
3. background - I used to work here long time ago
7 sugar & spice:
budok2 nga air..macae itik jjupo kolae lah..
soronoknya.... tengok muka anak² yg hepi mcm ni...
Kak wani,
memae gleparr.. hehee..
Kak Jie,
memang seronok.. hati rasa happy je..
k.ja tu buke ke gele koka...rse cam tul dah tgk ko peten tuh...
meme bercuti sakan yer ..tiap ari mesti ader plan kan...
wah budak2 ni bagi aje pool senyap semua kan?sometimes I wonder why they love the water so much but when you ask them to take a shower ... adoi nanti lah...
ni entries balik holiday agak2 berapa chapetrs agak nya....hehehe
Salam Ja
raso lamo doh kak pB tok tingga komen . Tok dhe la weh , duo tigo harini , sibuk sma'chae .
Masuk blog Ja , baco , pah tu , tubek tanpo tinggal komen. Sorry deh.
Kak pB suko dengae layout baru ni. Sweet srupo tuae dio .
Budok budok gak kalu jupo air , tok ingat nok naik lar. Sapa kecut skala mak neko kulit ....
Glamour gitu bracelet tu ...
Napo supo buoh se'beh la pulok ...
bukae Tiey.. tu geley batu..
batu ggapo Kak Ja tok sure tapi comey.. ssinar lagi.. tu hok gambar jadi blur tu..
Kak elle,
betul tu.. kalau suruh mandi, memang liat..
tapi kalau tengok pool, dan dan tu nak terjun.. pelik.. pelik.. hehee..
Kak pb,
Ja tauuuu.. kak pb tu memae busy sokmo.. baco blog pong tahu doh.. hehee.. takdok comment pun takpo... baco blog ni sekadar hiburae jah dih.. hehee..
Ja bosae dengae layout lamo.. tu hok try baghu ni.. tapi payoh nyo la nok boh balik attachment hok ttepi tu..
ado hok tok dae nok boh..
dupo woh se'beh ko? dok laaa.. comey jah Ja kelih..
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