Friday, February 8, 2008



do you ever wonder?

it could be...

the definition...

when a stranger tells you...

and it only appears on the lips...

but you feel like your life is filled with rainbows...




unless you are willing to sacrifice,

it would be okay for you to fall in love

but if you are afraid...

never take the risk!


just tell the person

good day :)

15 sugar & spice:

aNIe said...

Neeza...kata-kata yang bermakna sekali...manusia kalau hidup tanpa cinta...memang rasa macam hidup ini takde kemanisannya...

Neeza Shahril said...

kak Lady.. cinta perlu bagi yang layak dan pembahagiannya perlu mengikut kepentingan. boleh tak gitu? heheee...

ummu al hanafi said...

love is subjective.
cintan plakk

Neeza Shahril said...

Nana, love can be sayang, suka, prihatin and cinta.. heheee... so, pilih yang mana berkenan.. heheee..

Anonymous said...

Salam Neeza,
Love reading this post. Remind of old time. Teringat ada newspaper yang keluarkan katun gambar dua orang yang ada caption "Love is.. so and so".

silversarina said...

LOVE saves the world... unfortunately not many people really understand the meaning of LOVE :(

Neeza Shahril said...

zabs, I'm pleased if you like it.. neeza pun teringat old times jugak.. (masa bujang :))

kak Rina, people selalu misuse the meaning of love...

zino said...

mengimbau kisah dolu dolu hehe..

Neeza Shahril said...

zino, heheheeeee... teringat ye :)

Unknown said...

neeza...dah ada tinggalkan komen semalam, hilang rupanya...:)

anyway - nice posting.


Neeza Shahril said...

Idham, nice posting? takde idea sebenarnya.. tu yang cut and paste.. hehheee.. comment hilang? memang pun..ada problem dengan blog.. or dengan Saudi internet.. tak sure la..

Wanpetunjuk said...

Love???? is is the great mechanism to motivate ourself...but is that true people cannot live without love????

Cinta itu jugak subjektif..terlalu subjektif...walau apa jua tafsiran dan taksiran individu tentang cinta....cinta itu tetap suatu anugerah....anugerah dari yang maha kuasa....

Neeza Shahril said...

Hidayat, to love ownself is also crucial. Without love, people will live in hatred. Thus, it's danger for him/herself and others..

betul tu. cinta itu anugerah dari Allah. good day :)

IKHWANI said...

neeza, to me love is hard to is abstract..kalau orang tanya why do you love him? the answer is because I love him for what he is not because of so on and so forth.

dulu I selalu tanya my husband what does he loves about me? sekarang I tak tanya lagi dah because I already knew the answer :)

take care!

Neeza Shahril said...

kak OO, neeza selalu tanya husband tapi dia tak nak jawab.. camne tu?? hehee.. tapi memang.. it is so abstract. susah nak describe...