People rarely ask this question in M@laysia. Women can go anywhere at almost anytime (with proper supervision of course). I can just get my car key, start the engine, be on the wheel to anywhere I like. In S@udi, there are many restrictions. I'm not that free anymore. I can't drive since no driver's license is given to a woman in S@udi. I can't go out alone because the rules say so.
Sometimes, I feel like talking to my friends - meaning having a face to face conversation instead of chatting (typing actually) via internet. Perhaps some women are created that way. We have to talk (that may explain why women blab a lot). I'm not the kind who like to spend time only chit chatting (like Che' Mon and Che' Temah - my own created figure) though. I think all bloggers are like that (otherwise, we wouldn't be blogging :)). But, having a gathering once in a while is good and quite releasing too. However, since there are constraints, we cannot go out by ourselves that easy.
How do the ladies (like me) get to meet then? We have to drag our husbands with us! Of course, the man can just drive his wife to the place and go back. But, if it involves so many women, naturally many men have to leave their wives there, right. So, its better for them to have their own gathering there too.
That was why I was pretty busy these few days. I had a potluck party on Thursday and dinner at Kak Sharimah's house on Friday. Heheee.. (to my adik-adik who wonder where 'Kak Neeza had been missing', now you get the answer :P).
The details of our potluck party:
Venue : Ne$ma Compound (Tan's residential area)
Date : 27 March 2008 (Thursday)
Time : 6.30pm - 10.30pm
Menu :
Roy's (prepared by As) - 2kg Beef and 2kg Chicken Satay
Joe's (prepared by Lieza) - Sambal kacang, potato salad c0ncorde hotel style, marinated chicken wings and black pepper sausages
Shariz's (prepared by Madina) - Tuna and Egg Sandwiches, marinated chicken wings
Tan's ('prepared' by Amy at kayefc) - 2 big bucket fried chicken, fries, coleslaw and buns
Shahril's (prepared by Neeza) - spagetti bolognaise with mushroom and creme caramel
Pok Li (wife's not here) - purchased many kind of juices
Wow! Different kind of posting this time huh! Thanks Fadzila for teaching me to use pic@sa :) (I'm a computer moron... huhuuuuu..)
Needless to say, the ladies had been busy cooking since early morning (Lieza started much earlier since kuah kacang need sometime to well blend). Upon arriving at the place, all we did was BBQing, munching, talking and running around the pool to catch the kids (hahahaha!! we don't want anybody to get wet..)
From the picture, I could say that women enjoyed the party the most (except for having to run around the pool part heheheee..). If its not due to some of the guys had to work on the next day, probably we could have been sitting there longer (pantang jumpa... ;))
Wow!!! Pretty tulips huh.. These are a courtesy from Kak Sharimah. She just came back from Sw3den that noon. She brought us those tulips. We divided the tulips to 5 - As, Lieza, Madina, Amy and myself! Since the tulips won't last long, I took some pictures of them, hoping they will live longer in my eyes :)
On the next day, which is also yesterday, Kak Sharimah invited us to her house. She prepared cinnamon rolls, sw3dish honey biscuits and waffles. She taught us to eat them in sw3dish way! I only took pictures of her purple tulips (tulipurple, cantik tak? hehehee..) and cinnamon rolls :)

That's all folks! I need to cook for lunch early since the girls are home (it's spring break now).
26 sugar & spice:
Tau tak i love that cinnamon roll so much...kalau makan mesti melekit2kan..
Rasanya memang mcm tulah kalau dak duduk oversea, ukhwah lagi kuat sesama kita.
we are meant to socialise hehehe
alaa rasa nak join pulak.. but the part yang tak boleh 'bebas' bergerak ke sana ke mari yang kurang menarik tu ...
tapi dapat gather tu kira dah lebih dari okay, hubbies pun kena be sporting bagi wives dapat socialize sekali-sekala...
makanan, bungaan dan cinnamon rolls itu menambahkan ikatan ukhuwah ... seronok...
patutla tak sempat blog...sibuks makan ghupanya....isk..isk....
Neeza, mak teh jenis suka bebas pergi sana sini, jadi tak berapa suka kalau tak bebas. Ini dikatakan jenis perangai wanita melayu terkawal dalam kebebasan. Hehehe!
Gambar cantik, neeza pandai posting gambar dah kan? Mak teh blum pandai walaupun dah di ajar,
Kak Ummi,
neeza start suka masa beli cak c1nnabon. sedapnya... lepas tu jadi suka..
betul tu, bila kita takde sedara lain, kita jadi rapat dengan kawan senegara...
sebenarnya.. itu laaa... bijak sekali.. hehehee..
Kak Rina,
bila takde cara lain nak bergathering, kami pun ligat la memikirkan caranya.. hehee.. kalau takde makan2, sah2 hubby tak nak join sama kan.
At least bila hubby ada, boleh share responsibility jaga anak hehehee..
huhuhuuu..patut la menhilang n sepi jer blog ni..upnya ader projek kan skali sekla dpat makan ramai2...
mase tgk gambo cinamon roll tu ingat k.ja yg buat...boley la minta resepi...bila da baca kecewaaa..kena cari resepi la jugak nampaknya..
makan tak leh tinggal, nanti habis. Blog takpe.. boleh catch up later.. hehhee
Mak Teh,
Macam tu lah neeza Mak Teh. Tak boleh terkurun aje. Nanti bosan.. tu yang kena creative aje.. hehee (alasan je ni..)
Neeza ada banyak masa free, tu yang boleh try tengok and cuba post gambar. Mak Teh, memang lah sibuk sangat. Takpe.. one day, mesti Mak Teh terer.. lagi terer dari neeza... haaaa... heheee..
makan ramai2 best.. masak sikit sorang. kalau sorang nak masak semua, pengsan tu.. hehehee..
laaaa.. kesian.. tertipu adik akak ni.. kak Ja tok belajar lagi la Tiey.. tapi kan, resepi tu ada tulis dalam blog Elisa. tengok kat Kak Ja punya cyber friend link tu.. dia buat nampak sedappppp sangat..
k.ja...bunga tulips k.ja dah berkembang..kikiki..senyap jer hari nih k.ja :)
cantik kan bunga tulips tu.. hehee.. ada.. sibuk je sikit.. heheee..
Neeza, kalau gambar kuih dan bercampur dengan gambar bunga... wah ... memang menggeramkan sekali!
oh..oh...tulipssssss..i lurve tulipsssss....never held the real one la u know..adiesh anddd food food food food...
oh boy..i need to go somewhere
btw...kool potlucking..all hubby very the supporting ..sporting
..women cant drive there..oh dear
kuih tu sedap, bunga tu cantik. Kita letak bunga dalam kuih makan nak.. hehee... sabor je lah neeza ni..
really Neome? When I was in St@tes, I bergambar dengan thousand of tulips. Sampai tak larat. Tapi we're not allowed to pluck them. Dia tak nak la nanti cacat pulak kot scenery.. But then, cuma masa spring aje lah.. lepas tu takde dah... I had the pictures. Nanti kalau I balik M@laysia, I scan gambar2 tu.. Insyaallah ya..
Yupp.. women can't drive. Dengar cerita ada usul nak benarkan women drive tapi tak tahu lah bila.. uuhhhmmmm...
walala....sama kita ek...sama2 potluck!
hidup di perantauan...sinonim kut naa dgn potluck parties..
nice spread of menu there neeza..!!
lovely photos
neeza, kakjie tak suka chatting...entah..tak reti nk tanya itu tanya ini..suka baca blog lagi.
kalau kakjie tak boleh memandu, susahnya hidup....suami tu kerja kat site bukan boleh mengular nk settlekan hal2 lain...syukurlah kat sini boleh memandu ,kan.
bestnya parti..jumpa kawan².
tulip tu.... mmg keras kejung2 mcm tu ke neeza? jakunnya kakjie..heheheh
ok kakjie nk tido, tadi nampak neeza tu yg mai jenguk awal pagi mcm ni...
Abe Id,
haah kan.. sama la pulak. Cam ni la hidup jauh dari negara sendiri. Siapa yang ada disini sajalah jadi kawan... nak jumpa sekali sekala, kena lah buat cam ni...
Menu tu, saje buat cam tu. Ikut expert masing masing... walaupun neeza ni takde lah expert pun. Main taram aje.. heheee..
Kak Jie,
wahhhh.. terkejut neeza tengok Kak Jie.. kat sana dah dekat pukul 2 pagi kan.. heheee.. Kak Jie masih busy buat report ye..
Kelopak tulip tu lembut sebenarnya. Tapi disebabkan, susunan kelopak dia kedalam, nampak macam keras. Tapi, dia tahan lama sikit, berbanding dengan bunga rose.
Kat sini neeza pun tak pernah nampak diorang tanam tulip lagi. Kalau lah di takdirkan neeza akan menetap di belah2 US ke.. UK kee.. (hehee.. bila la tu..), dan jumpa tulip, neeza bawak balik bagi Kak Jie ya.. :)
Oh ye ke..?? Woman can't go out alone ya... Susah jugak ya kalo cam tu...
Those cinnamon rolls looks so good... I too love tulips...
heh heh part yang tu memang i don't envy living in saudi.
marilah datang qatar pulak. kat sini macam msia gak. you can drive, you can go anywhere. you are not limited to abaya. tapi kat sini pun tak ada tulip.
sad to say, yes. tak boleh keluar sorang.
memang sangat susah sikit la sebab nak kena tunggu husband or any female friends yang lain.
Kalau ada relatives takpe jugak.
ada a few yang chiao from here for that reason la pun.
Qatar? hehehe... I heard the cost of living there is quite high. Betul ke yek?
those cinnamon rolls buat maklang mengidam aje nak makan!
teringat masa kat mekah dulu. pakcik dn makcik saya yang dah berpuluh2 tahun dok mekah dn dah tak fasih jawanya datang cari saya kat hotel.
bila jumpa rasa seronok sgt. untuk memudahkan, kami terpaksa berbual dlm bhs inggeris walaupun sama2 melayu jawa.
yang kurang bestnya. mat2 arab terpacak sekeliling sofa perati makcik aku. dah le masa datang makcik aku pakai jilbab hitam penuh dn berpurdah. bila jumpa aku dia buka purdah pula. tapi masih dlm jilbab.
haish!.. mujur polis anti maksiat tak dtg masa tuh.. :)
Mak Lang,
Mak Lang sure pandai buat kan.. Neeza tak reti... makan je pandai.. hehee..
laaaa... boleh lupa ya bahasa jawa. hehee.. ye la kan.. dah berpuluh tahun dok Mekah.
Polis tu mesti heran kan cikgu. Pandai pulak arab ni cakap English. Kat sini, susah nak jumpa mak arab yang agak berumur pandai cakap English...
lelaki pun tak ramai yang pandai kecuali yang kerja di company yang ada orang luar..
mak mak nak gedering.. bapak bapak kena jaga anak hehe
bila bapak gedering kat luar, dia tak bawak pun anak2.. huhuuuuu..
akhirnye sampai jugak ulangkaji ke N3 nie..(lama tak online katakan..ihiks.)
sdg asyik membaca n3 nie...scroll2 ...tibe tgk pic tulips yg mula2 tu dah berderauuu jantung ni tgk..auishhh(sebenonye ati berkata..sib baik takde karer pepe sgt hehe) bile yg tang tulip pepel tu..uwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa......jeeleeeessnyeeeeeeeee!
tulip itewww memang cantikssssss.....!!patut lah tersedak aritu..keh keh keh.
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