a recent picture - Shahmey and his twin (his Pak Lang - my brother)
Shahmey likes to make faces (kejip-kejip mata)
I wanna go to the moon...
Kuatnya boleh angkat tin biskut hehehe...
Happy Birthday my little hero - Shahmey. You're 1 year old today. A year older after you're born on 17 May 2007. Ummi love you more and more each day, my dear. No word can describe my feeling when you came to the world. Only tears accompany the happiness.
Ummi's 2 hours of boredom and waiting to be 'cut' is totally healed upon seeing a shiny pair of eyes staring innocently at Ummi. How lovely... and those moments will never be forgotten, my love.
Today, you're 1 year old, already! How fast the time flies... You made a record among your siblings - you could walk (though it was only a few steps and then you chose to crawl since crawling is still faster than your step by step walking hehehe...)
Ummi will always pray for your happiness, success and hope you will grow to be my anak soleh. Insyaallah...
Ummi's 2 hours of boredom and waiting to be 'cut' is totally healed upon seeing a shiny pair of eyes staring innocently at Ummi. How lovely... and those moments will never be forgotten, my love.
Today, you're 1 year old, already! How fast the time flies... You made a record among your siblings - you could walk (though it was only a few steps and then you chose to crawl since crawling is still faster than your step by step walking hehehe...)
Ummi will always pray for your happiness, success and hope you will grow to be my anak soleh. Insyaallah...
24 sugar & spice:
Neeza betul ke date tu? 17 may or 17 march... anyway happy birthday to shahmey mwah mwah
Happy birthday to Shahmey... Eh Neeza, your brother looks familiar aje.. Cam pernah jumpa kat mana2 ni...
Kak Ummi,
hahaha!!! ummi yang confuse neeza ni..
maklumlah anak2 ada 3. 16, 17 dan 18. March, May, July. Tu yang bercampur aduk jadinya..
Thanks again ya Kak Ummi.. neeza dah betul kan jadi 17 May..
thanks ye..
familiar ye.. ada rupa Yusry KRU tak? hehehe..
orang kata.. neeza nampak takde pun.. hehehe..
selamat hari lahir shahmey..tarikh 17 tu sama dengan zino yg lain tak sama lah.. hehe
Oh! Happy Birthday Shahmey!
Ni birthday sama ngan adik akuni yang no. 4 tuh!
lamanya k.ja tak update..bz yer..jalan sakan jumpa blogger yer..masuk kat kak pb ader k.ja,masuk kat k rina..ade,masuk kat mak lanag ader jugak .. bestnya..bila plak yer kita boly jumpa ..heeehehee
hepy besday to baby shahmeyyy...comellllllllllll ..geramm kat senyuman dia tuh..moga jadi anak yg soleh ..amin.
sukanya tengok muka dia tengah crawling tu. alahai handsomenya. Masya Allah.
Happy birthday young boy. Be good to mummy.
happy birthday shahmeyyyyy....untie hope shamey cepat besar n dpt geng ngn rian..hihihi.....nak present ape ni....bg unta arab sekor lah..bolehhh???
Happy birtdday Shahmey.. semuga membesar jadi anak yang soleh.
Happy birthday Shahmey.. besar nanti gembirakan mak ayah ye..
Selamat hari lahir utk si comel Shahmey.. moga jagi anak yang dapat membahagiakan ummi dan abah...
>> ummi bagi hadiah ape eik shahmey ;)
happy birthday to shahmey ...moga lebih kuat..bukan takat boleh angkat tin biskut..hehehe
happy birthday shamey....
oh dah setahun dah!
p/s: anok sedaro kak wani namo syahmi azim, tapi panggil azim :)
happy birthday syahmey !!
memang comel sangat syahmey..geram tengok !!
dah nak balik saudi ye...safe journey, nanti balik kita jumpa lagi, hari tu ingat nak ajak outing sekali tapi akak pulak sibuk pulak abang balik... may be next time kita keluar sembang2 ye :)
Salam akak....lama tak datang warung akak nih...mmg busy sesangat sekarang nih, sy tahu akak kat kampung sekarang...beshnye....rindu rasanya kg halaman nih....jgn lupa bawak balik budu byk...boleh ajar orang arab makan budu...hehehehe......
Akak, doakan agar sy boleh kg akhir bulan nih...sy sgt nak balik teganu dan kuantan...nak sgt....
Happy Birthday Syahmey. Suka senyum dia, very cheeky...
Berapa lama lagi kat sini, or dah nak balik dah? Whatever it is, have a great holiday & safe journey.
Happy Birthday Shamey! Tok teh ucap lambat sikit sebab dok tunggu Shamey mai ziarah tok teh. Kalau mai tentu dapat present. Hehehe ...
happy birthday...
kecik2 dah terrer posing...hehehe
pakcik uncle.
17 bulan mana yek??
jom kita celebrate kan diorang sesama.. hehehe..
kebetulan Tiey dapat jumpa diorang... hok lain.. tok dae nok juppo...
thanks ya... semoga doa tu makbul..
Shahmey kata, dia unta tak nak.. nak kuda pulak.. hehee..
Kak cikmilah,
thanks ye kak...
terima kasih ye..
thanks ye manje..
ummi tak bagi apa pun... bagi kiss aje.. abah bagi kereta control kecik.. hehee..
Kak Jie,
shahmey kata, dia nak angkat laptop ummi pulak lepas ni...
sebab ummi asyik dengan internet aje.. hehee..
thanks fadzila...
Kak Wani,
smeta jah maso berlalu dih...
ooo.. azim.. bagus jugok makno dio tuh...
Kak Rina,
thanks ye...
nanti lain kali, kita appointment kat mana-mana kedai makan lak hehee..
jangan tak caya, akak bawak balik 3 botol budu.. hehehee...
balik teganu dan kuantan??? best tu.. kuantan kat mana yek? akak Indera Mahkota..
thanks mamamia..
neeza dah ada di saudi semula sekarang...
Mak Teh,
sorry Tok Teh.. Shahmey tunggu jadual ummi dan abah free.. tapi abah selalu aje busy.. nanti kita jumpa ye Tok Teh..
thanks uncle.. shahmey nak jadi cam ummi.. suka ambik gambar.. hehee..
huuuuit has been a while i have not been here....i bet ure already otw back home now...
haaaa...1 year old...one day your bubbly cute boy wil become 21...hehe
zino bulan 12..
you're so very busy yeee...
congrats.. your hardwork dah nampak hasil tu...
kalau dia 21, tak tak sesuai nak tido sambil peluk dia kan...
ooo.. hujung tahun rupanya...
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