We came here on the 3rd day of our vacation. We left home quite late in the afternoon. My hubby and I thought it was near (the most is 1 hour journey) but we're wrong. We left Tg Sep@t (MIL's house) at about 4.00pm. We went to Air Terjun Lengg3ng (if I wasn't wrong about the name) first and found out nobody's there. Kinda of haunted too huhuuuu...
We continued to Jeram T0i which took about another hour. The way to go there - left, right, left, right, small road, bigger road, someone else kampung, big road again, small road until we reached there. I was totally lost. Abang was too. He just followed my brother in law's car.
It was almost 6pm. The day was getting dark too. The rest went up straight to the Jeram - planning to mandi-manda. But, there were so many people (nak mandi pun segan). The adults chose to sit and enjoying the peaceful view. Only the kids got the chance to wet themselves.
After a while, we went back to the car, took out all the food that MIL had prepared earlier and fill our growling tummy. Yummy!! The kids who were really tired after playing near the waterfall ate like a hungry tiger.
Nothing much to write further. Do enjoy the view of Jeram T0i...

13 sugar & spice:
syok tu dapat explore banyak tempat. neeza, saya miss tarikh awak balik arab saudi. shud have invited u for makan2 session. nak sangat jumpa neeza tapi takde jodoh this time. aiyaahh..
wah sudah pandai photoscape, gambar manyak cantik amoi...hehehe
masa pergi Kerteh ari tu, teringat gak kat mulan. tapi dah pergi rumah maklang pun malam kan..
next time kita jumpa ye...
kak ummi,
hehehhh.. ni dapat idea dari kak ummi punya comment kat blog tulip.. jangan mare ye.. dalam diam2 neeza belajar..
tapi, neeza tak reti nak letak notes pada gambar. camne yek?
huuuuuu..tht was fun! now i dooo need to get my feet on peaceful ground..
suko tengok anok2 Ja maing air..
bilo nok balik lagi tu??
tengok post hok sebelum ni..ghama jugok lah blogger hok Ja jupo dih? kito bilo ado umur nok ttemu? :))
Bagus neeza bawa anak-anak bercuti macam tu. Mereka akan ingat keseronokkan bercuti tu sampai bila-bila.
Mak teh masih ingat pergi bercuti dengan parents zaman dulu-dulu tu. Seronok sangat. Zaman dulu yang best tu kami pergi berkelah di ( Tanjung Bunga ) ada waterfall kecil ada pantai. Sekarang pergi tengok balik tempat tu air waterfall dah kering!
What a nice family outing, Neeza? I love picnic like that... Mandi-manda kat sungai... Rendam2. Anak anak mesti suka, kan..??
really fun - for the kids. Myself tak enjoy mandi sebab orang ramai sangat.
anyway, I really enjoyed the greens... :)
Kak Wani,
Rayo nati ada plan nok balik lagi..
Kito pulok juppo dehhh.. heheh...
Mak Teh,
Anak2 neeza memang suka main air.. memang kalau pagi sampai petang pun diorang sanggup..
ummi and abah dia aje tak sanggup nak tunggu..hehee..
Tg Bunga tu macam nama kat penang kan.. betul tak mak teh? sedih kan bila tempat cantik macam tu dah disalahgunakan sampai kering terus...
neeza pun suka. tapi sungai je la.. laut, neeza kureng sikit sebab melekit2..
anak2 memang enjoy main air hehee..
Salam Neeza,
Syoknye... The last time I took my kids to jeram was at Ulu Bendul. Tau apa diorg ckp...?
"Mama, next time jgn bwk pergi swimming pool mcm ni. "
Take care...
tumpang seronok ngan 'journey' akak balik ke malaysia... tapi manje pon tingin sgt nk jumpe akak tau...
**mis u really2...**
alahai syoknya tgk air torjon ...nak balikkkkkkkkkkkkkk gatekkkkk...
k.ja camner nak belajar wak gamba comel2 camtu...nak belajar jugok..
salam kembali...
hehee.. the kids pun ada taste kan.. actuallynya di Jeram Toi ni pun ada part yang macam pool jugak.. yang dia letak macam gelongsor tu.. tapi tempat2 lain kira ok la..
tak puas balik malaysia la manje...
akak pun tak sabar nak jumpa adik comel ni... :)
*miss you too*
best kan napok.. hehee.. sejuk jah segho...
gambar tu, kak Ja guno photoscape jah.. download dari internet...
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