Saturday, July 5, 2008

full of lies and injustice...

Frustrated, angry, down, irrirated, annoyed and sad... Those are my feelings now. In fact they've started since the last few days...

I'm not sure where all the trustworthy people gone. I'm not sure where the justice has been hiding. I'm not sure why people are more scared to other people than God. I wonder how could people think they are more superior than the Above. Why and why?

Why do they have hearts like a stone? Where is their feelings of sympathy? Where has the empathy been missing? Don't they realize every human has rights. The rights that no one can deny except God? The rights to be with someone dear especially in a critical moment? Why would they be so mean?

Don't they realize that life is short? In fact it is too short to be arrogant in the world. Too short to show that you're in power to do everything...

Dear God, I am sad and down. I'm in a real misery. I've no one to turn to except you. Please lead us the way. I hope you show us the truth. The truth that could protect the victim. The truth that could make the world in peace again. The truth that could make the reality to prevail. Amiiinn...

Note to myself:

Since when other people problem concerned me so much? I guess, since I learned we should care for each other and not finding faults in each other for our own benefits...

15 sugar & spice:

Cat Cat said...

Hope you will feel much better tomorrow... We all have ups and downs... Take it easy, babe...

Jie said...

Jagalah kami dari orang yang kami takutkan duka dan deritanya
Peliharalah kami dari orang yang kami kuatirkan kesulitan dan keburukannya
Lindungi kami dari orang yang kami takutkan kezaliman dan kekerasannya,
kekuasaan dan tipudayanya

jaga diri ye neeza

ummu asiah said...

Neeza :(

I am not sure what this piece of entry related to...tapi boleh sense sikit2...anyway apa-apa pun sama-sama kita do'akan orang yang zalim dan tak faham hak asasi manusia ini insaf..kalau tak insaf moga balasan Allah yang maha berat menimpa diri mereka..bagi yang dizalimi sekiranya mereka beriman bertakwa pasti balasan yang indah menanti diri mereka di akhirat kelak..moga bersabar dan teruskan berdo'a dari kejauhan..

Neeza Shahril said...


I won't feel any better until the matter is resolved.. hopefully soon enough... *keep praying*


Kak Jie,

Hanya Allah Maha melakukan segalanya..
semoga kita sentiasa dilindungiNya kan Kak Jie..

thanks ye Kak Jie :)


Kak Ummu Asiah,

Akak pandai baca luahan hati neeza...
kesal dan sedih dengan apa yang terjadi sekarang.. tapi apa kan daya kan kak.. kita hanya berdoa.
Semoga Allah tunjukkan kita jalan kebenaran...

zino said...

hingga tak terkata...

:: Leeza Joe :: said...

ermmm....byk tul persoalan yg sebenarnya sengaja disorokkan tu la namanya "dunia"...manusia adalah pelakon yg memainkanwatak kita tunggu dan lihat ape ending story ni ok....take care...

Neeza Shahril said...


hehehh.. takpe.. diam je..



manusia sekarang gelojoh dengan kuasa leeza..
tak cukup dengan apa yang ada..
sanggup musnahkan orang lain demi kepentingan diri..
sedih kan... kita sama2 doa ya..
thanks leeza..

zura aini said...

salam perkenalan, saya nampak neeza banyak postkan kat blog lain.
Sabarlah bila kita diuji, setiap masalah ada jalan penyelesaiannya, yang penting ialah bagaimana kita menangani masalah itu.

13may said...

hmmm....sabar byk2

goodluck :)

Fadzilayaty Ramli said...

salam sis...harap sabar... fadzila pun kekadang rasa sedeyyyyyyyyy rasa macam apaakak rasa... take care tau...

♥~ir@~♥ said...

banyakkan bersabar kak,,skang nih manusia lbh penting kan diri sendiri,,

maklang said...

tak yah risau..Allah maha berkuasa..insyaAllah yang benar itu akan terserlah...

Neeza Shahril said...


salam kenal zany...
masaalahnya.. problem ni orang punya.. takpelah, semoga ia selesai segera...






kita sama2 berdoa lah ya Fadzila...
thanks sis..



betul tu Ira.. tak tahulah sampai bila kan..



semoga ianya cepat lah kan Maklang...

neomesuff said...

it has always my 'trait' to be extra sensitive to other people problems, and recently i got tired, still have good frens around me to 'story' me stuffs, but i put a limit as it effect my emotions and i got my own things to think of. i guess when u become the sorta emo-buffer, empathy reign supreme n i am very sure u know that, thank goodness we have blogs hehehee

Neeza Shahril said...


susah kan jadi orang yang over concern ni..
akhirnya kepala sendiri yang pening.. heheh..