"Hello bang.."
"Tido ke?"
"haah.. tak larat. Masak pun belum."
"Tak payah masak lah. Makan roti je... ni.. Joe ajak pergi Bahrain esok. Nak pergi tak?"
"Esok? Bukan hari ni ke? Tak bermalam ke?"
As usual, the question was followed by bunch of other questions (a typical me!).
"Taklah.. pergi balik hari je."
"hmmm.. okaylah"
I continued sleeping for a little while. Actually, my head was spinning when I answered the phone abruptedly. So, I had to rest to let my head went to normal again (alasan nak tido je tu sebenarnya...).

We went for groceries after Maghrib prayer as Abang asked me to prepare some food for the trip next day. I decided to make sandwiches. We rushed home. I was thinking to get the sandwich done that evening and put them in the fridge but I was too tired and my head spinned. I went to bed quite early that night.
The next morning, I woke up (not that early though), got myself ready and prepared the sandwiches. We left home at 7am and met Joe and Liza about half an hour later at Kh0naini Gas Station. We continued our journey with Joe leading us up to Bahrain (Joe seems so familiar with the way). Abang never been there. There's no way he could lead the way unless he has gps navigator or g00gle earth with him.

Our first stop was water park. I'm not sure if the name is water park but surely, there was a green park close to the sea :). The weather was so hot and humid. We're sweating all over but still, we're hungry. We took out our pack food - Liza brought her famous meehoon siam and karipap (yummy!). I ended up eating Liza's meehoon and forgot about my sandwiches. The kids were hungry too. We enjoyed the food but not the weather. I guess, if we were to come again, we would prefer to come during fall or spring.

Our next destination was a mall - Manama Mall? Was it Manama or Marina? or something else. I really can't remember. But, it was just a small mall. We moved on to another mall. A slightly bigger but nothing much there. I don't remember the name neither. What a lousy memory!
But I remember the name of the final mall since Joe did specifically mention the name to Abang - Seef Mall. Much much bigger and more choices - a bit like Dh@hran Mall in Khob@r. But of course, it was already late afternoon. Everyone was tired. We didn't get to see much. Furthermore, the prices of items there was not that cheap though they had discounts at many outlets. Well, the price tags shown BD7, BD12 or BD24 but we had to times it to 10 as B@hrain Dinar is 10 times higher than S@udi Riyal. A pair of shoes for Shahmey was BD7 (SR70!). I guess it was expensive. I could get a good pair with only SR30-40, I guess. Heheee.. ummi kedekutttt.... For me, why would we spend so much on something that we can get with a lower price right? I just bought hair accecories my my 2 daughters. They had sale for Cl@ires product (around BD1=SR10 each). Boleh la kan..
My kids - will never be forgotten (we rented a little buggy for Shahmey - penat nak dokong)
The day was getting dark. We headed home. We stucked at the causeway for almost an hour as many cars were queing to go back to S@udi (ramai rupanya S@udi datang merendek shopping di Bahrain).
Overall, I would say, it's a great experience to go to Bahrain (oversea la kiranya hehee) but if we would have some more knowledge about Bahrain, it would be much more exciting. Went to the mall was not our main intention to go to Bahrain actually but since there's no other place to go, mall is the best place to be ;).

One more thing, that was my first time seeing a note (Bahrain currency with a 1/2 printed on it - 1/2 Dinar). That's what happen I guess when the country's currency is so huge.
My weekend wasn't that bad huh! I sacrificed 1 day and yet I got another day full with a memorable event :).
22 sugar & spice:
wah sakit2 pun berjalan ye?How far are you from Bahrain?
my god look at that fresh dates...u allowed to pluck tak?
Neeza, seronoknya dapat pergi jalan-jalan ke Bahrain.
Thank you for the paket via OO.
Seronoknya jalan2 ke Bahrain... Eh, I think the Queen of Bahrain is in USA now, in Florida, betul tak..??
fuyooo..dah sampai oberc yer akak..kikiki....bestkan dok jubail...oberseas semua dekat2 jer...hehe.... bahrain mmg best la kan...hehe...bleh la nnti nk merendek gak kat sana....:)
hi neeza...
lama tak nampak!
FB senyap jer...
best jugak yer bahrain..
kesian kurma muda atas pokok tu kan? hehehehehe.....
cantik bahrain tu.. ada duit semua boleh jadi..
bile nadia nak smpai sini ye?
Kak Elle,
tu la.. ni dah flu balik. padan muka neeza heheh..
Bahrain is about 1 1/2 hour drive from my place kak elle. tapi kalau jam kat causeway, mahu 2-2 1/2 hour. dekat je kan..
the dates tu boleh pluck tapi tak sedap. tu yang orang tak kisah aje. macam rambutan hutan bersepah kat tepi jalan tu la.. gitu lah dates yang tanam tepi jalan kat sini..
Mak Teh,
kalau musim sejuk sikit, lagi seronok rasanya..
no problem Mak Teh.. (kecik sangat tu)
oooo ye ke? nak promote the country lah kot.. :)
heheh.. sekarang ni mood tak berapa betul sikit.. FB pun tak update lama hehe.. cuma accept friends invitation je.
tak tahulah kata best ke tak... tapi boleh la sebab tempat orang kan.. tu la kurma2 kat sini semua jadi buangan.. diorang dah biasa.. kita je yang sayang hehehh..
dari sini nak pergi Bahrain SR20 je (toll+insurance). Minyak murah sesangat kat Saudi ni.. memang tak terasa.
Tapi nak shopping kat bahrain, adusshhh.. mahal laaa.. heheh
nanti... bila abang german bawak.. heheh...
akak cakap kat sophea dan coan, kita nak gi oversea ni..
diorang tanya, kita nak naik flight ke abah? hahaha!! pada diorang, pergi oversea maknanya naik flight lah.. sabor aje.. hehehee..
nanti boleh pergi Qatar dan Dubai pulak.. jom As..
best kan kurma kuning tu.manis kelat .kat sini mahal cikit kurma tu...
ni mesti sihat sekejab ni bila dapat jalan22 tgk donia luar...hikhikhik...
Neeza...geramnya tgk dates yang melayut tu...kalau akak post gambar rambutan melayut...rasanya dah biasa kita tengok...kan?
Cantik bangunan tu...memang pun nampak bentuk yang berlainan dari sudut yang berlainan...
Wah, bestnya dapat jalan-jalan kat Bahrain , hilang jemu weekend ye.
Matawang Bahrain memang tinggi , kalau Jordan Dinar pun dah tinggi ni kan pulak wang bahrain memang patut pun 'kedekut' :P
jauh ke bahrain tu?
Nikmatilah setiap detik di negeri orang ... bersyukurlah.
sini muroh lah pulok mungkin sebab banyok sangat..
hehe.. betul2.. sihat sekejap..
Kak Lady,
buat masa ni neeza geram tengok rambutan melayuttt.. nak rambutannnnn hehee..
Kak RIna,
hilang kejap je.. hehe..
kalau bab duit ni, tengok mahal sikit, neeza memang kedekut :P
Kak Ummi,
dekat je.. dalam 1 1/2 hour dari rumah neeza.. tapi rentas laut sebab Bahrain tu pulau..
Abang long,
betul tu abang long.. alhamdulillah...
kurma area sana best dak???
saja tanya...posa dekat dah nih...hehhe hehhe
best ye dapat jalan2 ni...maklang tumpang seronok ajelaa..
best.. best sangat.. nak ke? meh sini neeza belanja hehee..
maklang lagi best jalan2 ke Indonesia sambil shopping2.. heheh..
amboiii dia....org mesia pakat dok tempek gambo derian, moktan..dia tempek gambo kurma...hehehhe
Kak Jie,
neeza rindu durian tapi nak wat camne.. kurma pun jadilah kak Jie... huhuuuuuu...
kak neeza, sedapnya kurma tu. kat sini mahal kan kurma tu. bestnya kak neeza makan kurma banyak2. ala durian tu, kalau nak dibezakan ngan kurma, memang jauh ah. tengok gambar pun jadi lah kak neeza.
sedap durian.. kak neeza prefer durian lagi noniey hehee..
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